Remember, the three key things about an intuitive navigation system is that they tell you where you are, and they show you where else you can go. Hamburger menus are terrible at both of those things, because the menu is not on the screen. It’s not visible. Only the button to display the menu is.
And in practice, talking to developers, they found this out themselves. That people who use their app don’t switch to different sections very frequently when they use this menu. And the reason for that is because the people who use their app don’t know where else they can go. Right? They don’t know because they can’t see the options, or maybe they saw it at one point in time, but they have since forgotten.
And if you use this control, you have to recognize that the people who use your app may not realize the full potential of your app.
Apple’s advice to designers: don’t use the Hambuger menu. The rest of the article is worth the read, it’s a transcript from the WWDC Designing Intuitive User Experiences session.